Hey there, blog people! Proofreader/blogger/shaggy-haired, wannabe-beatnik Jim here with another installment in our Month of Love series. Today I'd like to depart from the "stuff we love" theme just a bit, because I need your opinion on something. Love at first sight -- is it real? People talk about it all the time, but really, is it possible to see someone and just know?
For my part, I'd have to say that it's a definite possibility. I'm single at the moment, but I can definitely think of a time when I saw someone across a room and was instantly certain that we had a connection. My relationship with her was the longest of my life so far. So did I really know something? Was it just a crush? I believe that our minds and souls are often more aware than we may consciously realize. And I totally believe that our instincts can be incredibly accurate. So I'd have to say that (at least on some level) I do believe in love at first sight.
What do you think? Anybody out there fall head-over-heels and stay together? Anyone out there think I'm full of it? Let's hear your story!
-- Jim @ L.V.
(Awesome heart illustration by our own print goddess Rachel)
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