Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Not to Do

While it’s undoubtedly depressing to walk into a mall and already see holiday displays, we (at least in the custom stationery business) have resigned ourselves to the fact that we will be eating, breathing, living, and dreaming the holiday season for just under the next three months. To bring some levity into your and our lives, we present the first in a series of, let’s say, life guidelines that have been quality-tested by your kind and wise Luscious Verde representatives. Please don’t hesitate to add your own in the “Comments” section at the end of this post. Thanks, and happy freaking everything.


10. The phrase "LOL"

9. Three paragraphs from your cat’s point of view

8. That you won the all-state burrito-eating championship

7. Your Uncle Pierre is now Aunt Jane

6. Your unrequited long-time crush on the girl who works at the Circle K

5. Your new business cards that say “Man About Town”

4. Getting your dog neutered

3. Your seasonal affective disorder

2. “Our kids were recently voted better than yours.” (Submitted by proofreader Ted)

1. Your date with Lisa Loeb

-- Rob @ L.V.

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